Monday, June 25, 2012

40 Reasons I Love Freefi!

1. Amy is a great listener!
2. She lived in Hawaii, so I'm pretty sure we could go visit on the cheap.  :)
3. She is a wonderful mother to her 2 kidlets.
4. She is selfless... almost to a fault.
5. Amy is an amazing artist, but she'd never say so.
6. She inspires me to be better.
7. Amy puts up with my nonsense.
8. She loves Pride & Prejudice, too!
9. She allows me to live vicariously if she has anything fun to report.
10. She returns the favor, and savors all the juicy details if I have anything fun to report.
11. She doesn't judge me.
12. She loves her family.
13. She forgives sincerely.
14. She works hard.
15. She plays with her kids. Even when her everything hurts and she's running on no sleep.
16. Amy is finally starting to take time for herself now and then.
17. She made me read Twilight even though I didn't want to (and then I loved it... until the movies came out).
18. She'll meet me for a late movie when we just need to get away for a minute!
19. She laughs with me about the craziness in our lives.
20. She plays Your Team, My Team with me.
21. She introduced me to the joy of Strawberry Days and the rodeo.
22. She reminded me to claim Team-members quickly when there are cowboys involved.
23. She got me to see past the "voodoo medicine" stigma surrounding essential oils. "There's probably an oil for that."
24. She likes to see comic book and action movies, too.
25. Amy likes talking in accents.
26. She's been known to talk in a British accent for a whole day at a time.
27. She is a beautiful and strong woman.
28. She has a rebellious side, too.
29. Amy loves music and sings beautifully.
30. Amy has fictional boyfriends, too. 
(You can have Adam Levine on your team! But only because it's your birthday!)
31. She laughs at my constant, obnoxious, snide commentaries.
32. Amy smiles through her pain.
33. Amy hugs like she means it.
34. She pushes through every obstacle that gets thrown at her with grace and confidence.
35. She teaches me how much I still have to learn, just by being around her.
36. Amy is a wonderful example of what kind of woman I want to be when I grow up.
37. Amy makes hilarious snarky comments, too!
38. Amy serves others selflessly.
39. Her humility and humor add to her beauty and charm.
40. Amy is a true friend. I only hope that I can be such a friend to her.

Love you, Ames! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! And may the next 40 years be filled to the brim with love, laughter, and more blissful happiness than you've ever experienced. You deserve every happiness life has to offer!


Amy said...

OH.ME.NERVES! I'm SO laughing out loud - I had to spell it cuz it's really, really happening. Not just your average run of the mill LOL. Your card made me cry, I started reading the books immediately, and now this! How will I ever be able to match this?! You rock. The definition of true friend in the dictionary has your picture. Thanks for everything you are and everything you do. And I hope you know that everything you listed there about me can also be applied right back atcha. Love you, friend. Here's to many more years of not acting our age!! :)

Amy said...
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Melissa said...

Hahaha! I love it! I hope you like those books... They're one of my favorite worlds to escape into. :)

And I LOVE the idea of NEVER acting our age! Especially since our ages make us sound way older than we really are!

Loves and hugs!