Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm Not Dead Yet!

Ok friends... (if there are any of you left)... I'm still here. I've just been swamped with schoolwork and job searching. And catching up on sleep... :)

I'm also gearing up to send Hannah to her dad's for 6 weeks. She leaves Saturday morning (May 30th), and returns July 16th. It's bittersweet, as usual. I'm excited to have a break, as it's the only one I'll get during the year; but I'll worry while she's gone. And I know I'll have to do damage-control and some re-teaching when she gets back... so that's always fun to look forward to.

Recently, I got to attend a conference for the Utah Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, which was fantastic. But it lead to a fun little Hannah-ism. She was inquiring about the conference and asking why I'd want to go to it. So I explained that this would be my profession (aka: career) when I finish school.
She said: "So you're gonna be a pear-a-thist?"
Yep. That's exactly what I'm gonna be! A pear-a-thist. Or a therapist. Whichever.

I'll miss my little Hannah-bug while she's gone!!!