Wednesday, January 27, 2010

8 Things I LOVE About Hannah!

1. She is still honest enough that when I ask her whether she's really sick or she just wants to stay home from school, she says, "Well, it's half and half."
2. She's independent, but still likes to snuggle.
3. She wishes she could sleep with Mommy, but doesn't.
4. She's precocious.
5. She promises she'll still want to tell me everything when she's a "teen-year-old." And I hope she does!
6. She's snarky, but adorably so.
7. She's starting to see things for how they really are without my having to spoil her idealistic view of the world.
8. And finally, because she loves me as much as I love her: "All the way to Jesus' head... And you can't get more than that!"

You're the best, Hannah-Bug. And I love you!!!

Fun with Friends

Last Saturday was going to be Hannah's birthday party with her friends, but we bumped it back a week to this Saturday... One kid, Erick, didn't get the message. After stopping by - and being reminded of the change - he asked if Hannah could come to Carl's Jr. with him and his mom and little sister, to play. As I was busy baking a cake, cleaning up, and needing to wrap her presents before my family got there, I said sure.

Last night, I heard about the following short interchange with the little boy and his mother...

Erick's Mom (to Hannah): Hannah, you're pretty tall.
Erick (interjecting): Well Mom... I'm handsome tall!

Gotta love the English language!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Did I mention I got a job?!

Yes - I finally ended my streak as an unemployed, non-contributing member of society. It was great to be able to finish school while I was not working, and the time with Hannah-Bug has been great, but I'm happy to be working again!

Can you say, "IKEA?"

Yesterday morning, while trying to wake Hannah up, something a little strange happened... Which resulted in the quote of the day for Jan. 19th:

Me: Good morning, Hannah... It's time to wakey-wakey... Time to get up and get ready for school...
Hannah: Waigh shwea rabi huearte...
M: Huh? What did you say...? Was that even in English?
H: No... I was speaking Swedish.

Ahh. Well that clears things right up.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Quote of the day - 01.16.10

In the car... just before getting home from SLC tonight after I criticized the car in front of us for going slow:

H: I bet police officers love it when it's icy on the roads... Because it makes people slow down and go the speed limit.
M: (non committal) Maybe...
H: But then they probably hate it, too, because if there's a major emergency it would be hard for them to get there.
M: That's true. That would make it a little tough.

(long pause)

H: Remember that time that you sneezed on my face?
M: (loud laugh... and maybe a little snort) Yes. Yes, I do.
H: Good times. Good times...