Thursday, April 29, 2010

Coming Soon...

Ok - I know that I'm WAAAAY behind on posting... Sorry! Life has been a little crazy:

  • This Saturday is Commencement for my Bachelor's degree. Woohoo!
  • Me and my roomie, Karen, have been house hunting since her parents' home sold. Also good, but a little stressful. Wish I were a bajillionaire... Then I could just BUY a house and call it good.
  • Finished my first class in my Marriage & Family Therapy Master's program. It was Human Sexuality. Super-fun class, but I didn't write any of the papers. There were only three, and it relieved pressure to ignore them. Life happens.
  • Work has been crazy busy... The July Bar exam is coming up, so we've been processing applications all day, every day. And being new, I was much slower, so I felt the constant pressure to be fast and accurate!

Plus, I've been trying to carve out a little bit of time for dating and socializing with friends. I thrive off of laughter and communication with friends, so this is an important thing for me to include in my schedule.

Unfortunately, all of these things have been piling up and occupying all of my time. As such, I've decided to take a little break from school - just for 6 months or so - to let some of these other areas in my life settle down a bit... I'm sure that new problems will pop up, but I'm hoping to be in a better frame of mind for dealing with school in a few months.

And yes, I've been stockpiling quotes from Hannah. I think the voice recorder on my phone is just about full... so I'll post a bunch soon!


Maryann said...

You are so smart to wait a bit for school. You needed to have a break and this will give you that. Trying to juggle finding a new place to live, a new job and an eight year old doesn't leave enough time.....good choice!

Anonymous said...

Dude you moved what the heck?!?!?!? Details, pictures, inside scoop.