A few days ago, Hannah was watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the Disney Channel while we were getting ready in the morning. For those of you that do not have children, or if your children are too young/old for this, let me explain. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is a 30 minute computer-generated cartoon where Mickey and his pals get together for unrealistic adventures. There is always some kind of problem, which is promptly solved by the use of their Mickey MouskeTools. The tools are hailed by calling out "Oh Toodles!" which is apparently the name of their mobile toolbox who flies over when called. There are usually 3 visible tools and a "Mystery MouskeTool" which are used during the episode.

So I was putting my face on in the bathroom when I heard the characters call out, "Oh Toodles!" during the thick of another predicament. Hannah then made the following comment (paraphrased here because I could not find anything to write on fast enough)...
H: You know, on one of these episodes, one of those tools shouldn't work. Because then it makes kids think that if they have a problem and they just go, "Oh Toodles" then it will get fixed. And their life will be perfect. But it isn't. So why do those tools always work?!
H: (after hearing me chuckle at her comment; mockingly) Yeah... next time I have a problem I'll just go "Oh Toodles" and we'll see what happens. (She then proceeded to do so, quite sarcastically I might add.)
Hannah's comment parallels a similar comment made by my nephew while we were visiting them over a year ago. He was watching Bob the Builder and gave the hilarious (and honest) reply of "No we can't!" to Bob the Builder's familiar call "Can we fix it?!"
So are we raising cynics or realists?
oh me oh my... I love Hannah stories. They make me laugh so much!!! And then Fin's alteration to the song..."Bob the builder, can we break it? bob the builder, YES WE CAN!!!"
Kids really do say the darndest things. :)
that girl cracks me up. She is SO going on 25, your little adult.
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