"... she came in tonight and said JESUS CHRIST really loud... i was stunned until i realized that she was talking about the [tapestry] of Christ we have hanging on the wall. she had just see it. we started laughing. it was so funny. we enjoy her being here."

Chalk it up to another Hannah-ism!
You've got a cool kid.
I sure think so! :)
hahah! nice. :)
Hey Melissa! Look! I actually read your blog and commented! Yeah! It's a miracle, I know. Well, I hope your week is great and filled with more fun Hannah-isms. :) Love ya, Becky
Oh my gosh that is hilarious. How did you NOT crack up in class. I hope the job hunt is going good. Good luck with that. michelle
That STILL makes me laugh!!!
Tooooooo Funnnnnnnny!
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