First, I must say that the worst part of a road trip (besides the fear of getting sleepy driving) is dealing with the speed limits. I did pretty well, though... MOST of the time.
Sorry about the dusty dashboard. It's time to detail.
Have you ever noticed that towns, especially in Utah, often put the letters for their city on nearby mountains? It appears that Battle Mountain drew the short straw in that situation...
I LOVED my time visiting Mark and Ellie. Their new place is great, and they were such fun to chat with! Plus, I got to hold cute little Sylvie and Hannah had a dedicated playmate!
Yep! Stay classy, San Francisco!!!
Not too many pics with Gecky and Shana, but we had great fun playing Guitar Hero and AI Karaoke. Love you guys!
Not much has changed... except there's a stop sign there now.
for Sunday afternoon Conference and family dinner.
Hannah, Becky, and Shana out front
Then we had to bid California and the fabulous weather good bye and head back to Utah... (wipe a tear!)
Hi Melissa! Sounds like your trip was fun!! Too bad we have to come back to the real world right? So how is school going? I hope great! Love ya!
I did notice the No Thongs sign! haha! Thanks for the lovely pics.
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