I have determined that 2009 is going to be MY year! I'm going to find a job and get my priorities straight, I'm going to send out my now New Year's cards, I'm going to get my house clean (no comments from the peanut gallery. Nancy - this means you! lol), I'm going to take my 2 math classes so that I can graduate on time in October, I'm going to start exercising for real and finally get rid of all this excess padding, and I am going to finally be a happier and healthier Melissa!

What are some of YOUR New Year's resolutions?
Good thinking! All those plans are constructive....now the trick is to follow through. Instead of just wanting to shed the pounds look on the health side instead of the esthetic side. Think how great you will feel when you have completed those math classes. Having a tidy house brings peace and tranquility to the spirit. It will be a huge burden GONE.
I have a list of things to do too. Banish bad carbs from the diet....no white flours...eat lots of veggies and walk everyday.
My other major task is getting all the photos arranged. No scrapbooking for me....too much work and money....just get the photos in order with names and approx dates and put in simple albums so that the family knows who they are looking at. I have pictures from six family groups to work through dating back to the 1870's.
Happy New Year to you and Hannah.
She will be watching your progress and the example that you give to her.
Remember...little steps each day.
Melissa, you have some great goals! I hope you break them down into do-able baby steps...this really helps me.
I am changing the way I eat. Like MaryAnn, I am getting rid of white and other "bad Carbs". I'm also going to try a vegetarian diet. meat has never been my favorite. I'm looking forward to it!
I am going to do more to think less of myself. :)
I like your resolutions! And I am in great support of them! :) I, myself am now in resolve to lose some excess padding...my main goal is to fit back into a pair of jeans that doesn't have elastic in the back of them! And now that I'll be spending more time at home, I'm going to need to clean up around here...I have a LOT of hidden clutter...this resolution has to be done in 3 weeks, as my parents are coming to visit! Agh!!! So this means I have to clean out our spare bedroom...a feat I am not anxious to take on.
I'd also like to be more organized this year, getting this house in order!!!!
I'm excited to take these on - I don't usually have resolutions - mainly because I never keep them for more than a week. So far, so good...but then again...it's not even been a week....HA!
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