31 things you might not know about Shana:
1. Shana is 2 months, 11 days, 5 hours, and 29 minutes older than me. (I can't remember if we took time zones into account, though, so give or take 2 hours: Cali v. Iowa)
2. Shana is the first Bug, and the inspiration for Hannah's BUG nickname.
3. Shana's middle name is Louise (even though her birth certificate begs to differ).
4. Shana is VERY artistic. Some of her stained glass windows are adorning her parents' home.
5. Shana loves to write and is quite good at it. I'll gladly be your editor if you ever write a book!
6. Shana only has 1 brother, but several of us girls have been adopted in as pseudo-sisters.
7. Shana has had many fictional boyfriends, including the White Ranger (of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' fame).
8. Some of her other boyfriends include, but are not limited to, John Crichton, John Shepard, Aragon, the Original Doctor, and Cloud.
9. Shana once made my dad guffaw by coming up to the house in a "grayish" shirt. Dad and I were in the garage at the time. When she was still at the end of the driveway I asked if it was a new shirt, to which she replied, "Nope. It's one of my (black) X-Files shirts, I just didn't bother with all the cat hair." Dad just about choked with laughter. And then Bug and I laughed... for a long time! We'd never seen such a gleeful response from Dad.
10. Shana secretly wants to be a 1940's lounge singer - and she's got the pipes to do it!
11. Shana's favorite breakfast cereal is Lucky Charms. Don't try passing off Marshmallow Matey's for the real stuff, though.
12. Shana once supermanned it into one of our big black garbage barrels. It made me feel better after I walked straight into a pole on our field trip.
13. Shana's high school car was an iridescent dark green, lowered 1984 Firebird - with a great sound system in the trunk!
14. The guys at seminary were super-jealous that we were pimping around in KITT, while they were hoofing it to school.
15. Shana and I didn't care for each other much when we first met. I was Molly Mormon and she was Sally Satan. (Well... she DID wear black fingernail polish!) Funny how things change, huh! ;)
16. Shana always had cable, so I'd escape to her much-cooler house. That's where I saw my first MTV video: Bobby Brown's
My Prerogative, if you must know.
17. Shana bought an awesome house last year.
18. Shana's roomie is my little sister, Gecky.
19. Shana's cats are possessed. Zoe is the spawn of Satan, and Eryn steals Shana's hair ties.
20. Shana shares a birthday with Kami, one of our college roomie's from Miller #8.
21. Shana has over 600 dvd's and likes to host movie parties at her house.
22. Shana hosts the annual Boring New Year's Eve Party at her house... Complete with games, Cirque du Soleil dvds, and lots of tasty treats.
23. Shana served a mission in New England and had a wicked-good time!
24. Shana is a loyal friend, and would give the shirt off her back for a friend in need.
25. My mom didn't want me to be friends with Shana at first. Did I mention the black nail polish?
26. Shana's awesome parents introduced us to Sea Ranch... a now long-standing tradition of summer relaxation. More than 15 years now, right?
27. Shana and I got her parents to laugh hysterically with the Disney Resort's farting beds. Good times. Sorry you were in the MTC at the time, Wayne.
28. Shana really doesn't like it when meetings don't start on time.
29. Shana is an excellent Auntie. She's making due with my Hannah for now, until Wayne and Stacy start picking up the slack. ;)
30. Shana's date to
TWIRP couldn't attend the dance because he'd been caught with drug paraphernalia the day before.
31. Shana has been my longest friend, and has loved me in spite of myself.
Happy Birthday, Bug!!! I am lucky to have you for a friend! And I hope that I can be as good a friend to you. Love you!