So, I suppose that I should report that YES I finished Breaking Dawn already... I finished it on Saturday so that I wouldn't have to stab someone for talking about it before I'd read it. I just wanted to give you the all-clear... It's safe to talk to me about the book. (But you may not want to post anything here, as I have no idea if everyone else is done... and I'd hate to have to let someone beat you for giving spoilers!)
(And yes, I was satisfied with the ending to the saga.)
Can I borrow it? Please? :)
I finished Sunday night. LOL - My friend Tiffany who I got hocked on the series read fiished Eclipes Friday night bought Breaking Dawn and when she finished it Sunday afternoon walked out of her room and cried "I'm Free" and went about her day. Ahh, obession.
Me too! Love it, love it, LOVE IT! And my favorite part is when Edward and Bella.... ;)
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