Sunday, August 31, 2008

Boyz II Men - ABC - BBD...

On Thursday of this last week, Amy told me that her sister-in-law, Lynn, had an extra ticket to a local concert and asked if I wanted to go. The ticket was free, so I wouldn't be out any cash either way. When I found out the ticket was for a Boyz II Men concert, at the Scera outdoor ampitheater in Orem, I was still iffy... But when the sitter situation fell into place, I decided to go. In addition to the concert tickets, though, we also had passes for a meet-and-greet before the concert, where we had dinner and got to meet the guys and get our pictures taken. So here's a pictorial review of my evening:

The men of Boyz II Men at the meet-and-greet

...with me!!

... with Amy and her hubby, Levale

...with Lynn. Thanks again for the tickets!

Our little group, with Alex Boyer, an LDS singer with a great British accent.
We saw him at the meet-and-greet also.

A close up of Amy and Levale. /le-vah-lay/ Aren't they adorable?!?!?!

Me and Amy in our seats.

It was a little crowded... over 4000 tickets sold.
Lots of fodder for Your Team, My Team!!!

Our seats were pretty close to the stage...

The guys looked classy, and they put on a good show!
I was pleasantly surprised, as it was much better than I expected.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Clever, for 6.

Here's the latest gem of a knock-knock joke, courtesy of the smartest 6 1/2 year old kid EVER:


- Who's there?


- Who's there?


- Who's there?


- Who's there?


- Who's there?


- Who's there?


- Who's there?


- Who's there?

I already told you: Knock-Knock! (duh!)

Thanks, Bug!!!

A new favorite!

Several of these may be getting added to my cadre of cards:

And here's the link for TAMN's associated and super-satirical MoMom blog:

I laughed heartily!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Here is a little game that I saw on my friend Amy's blog, and I thought it might be fun!

Here are the rules:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! If we're only blogging friends, write about a post that is most memorable. If you don't have a blog and don't know how to sign in, please comment as anonymous.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll be sure to write one about you...either on your blog, in my comment box, or I will email you back!
3. If the memory happens to involve my daughter, please include her!
4. If you can't say something nice, don't say nuthin' at all. *

This should be fun, huh?!

*If you really have nothing nice to say, you can opt for a sarcastic or snide remark. (I know I'm full of them!) For the reading pleasure of others, though, please make an effort to compose your hateful tripe in such a clever way as to make it enjoyable for the rest of us. :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

First Grade

Hannah was so excited to start school today! Here she is at her new desk, working on a little coloring task that was given to all the kids, to keep them busy while everyone got settled.

I can't wait to hear all about it when we get home tonight!!! :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Held hostage by Gramma & Grampa

The perils of procrastination... This post was intended for explaining Hannah's first weekend home, but is being posted now - a week later... Alas. So here's the belated post:
Well, we would have posted sooner, but Mom and Dad decided that Hannah and I should stay the night and come to church with them on Sunday... Had I known, I could have brought my computer and some church clothes. Instead, I got to buy a new skirt and wish I'd thought to pick up a toothbrush while I was out...

So here's the rundown of what we did with G&G:

Friends of Mom and Dad (the Carpenters, but not the circa-1970's singers) have 2 sons leaving on missions this month, so they had a joint, albeit unofficial farewell for the boys. We met at the park after church for a potluck picnic:

We are a classy bunch, aren't we?

Robin's future husband Brant (no idea on the spelling) is the handsome blonde behind her:
Mom is the queen of facilitating photo-ops, to nurture our stalking instincts.

Hannah enjoyed the opportunity to play in the sunshine:
Thank you, Mommy, for dressing me well and brushing my hair!

And to top the weekend off, we spent some time at the hangar - admiring the latest advances on Mom and Dad's pet project, The Plane (AKA - nothing can break up this marriage and we're willing to prove it!).
Hannah and Grandma by the plane. Imagine this with the propeller and a cover over the engine!

A proud Papa with his growing and expensive baby...

Pretty instrument panel!

A partial view of the spaghetti bowl that makes the instruments run.
Except Dad says he's only done wiring half of it... Egad! Good thing he's pretty smart!

Excitement abounded...

But eventually we had to head back to (pretend it's Opposite Day) Happy Valley.
So there you have it... Hijacked - Napped (important part, despite not being mentioned before) - Picnicked - Ogled (vicariously) - Admired (the plane) - Returned to Provo... A full weekend, to be sure!

Welcome Home, Bug!!!

Traveling hair...

So Hannah's flight came in early yesterday, which meant that she was off the plane and walking to the gate counter just as I was. She ran up and attacked me with a hug before I could even get the attention of the attendant at the counter. She "missed me too much" and was so happy to be home!!! We spent lots of time talking about her tooth she lost and all the places she went to visit. She especially liked all of the "best hotels ever!" that she stayed at along the road. Motel 6 was her favorite, but she stayed at Super 8 Motels sometimes, too. I was super jealous!

YAY!!! I'm back home with Mommy!!!

Lots of hugs and kisses!!!

And Grandma got to come to the airport, too!
Hannah's looking tan and gorgeous after her summer trip...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Last full day with Daddy!

As I mentioned before (I think), Hannah's gotten to go on the road with her dad while she's been visiting. One of the perks of these trips has been learning how to swim again. She used to be pretty good, when Katrina was her regular sitter (we miss you Hales!!!), but we haven't been to the pool much since moving to Utard, so any previous knowledge has been lost.

I made a point to talk to Chris about it before Hannah got there, to let him know that she'd really like to learn how to swim again. So Chris made it a point, in their travels, to find hotels that had pools. So, every day, Hannah got to look forward to "swummin' with Dad" when they got done driving.

As this is their last full day together, I suppose it's only fitting that I would get this video from Chris:

Yay, Punkin!!!! Good job!
(And thank you, Chris!)

I can't wait to kiss her face off tomorrow!!!

Excavating! (Skip this if you don't like icky stuff...)

My doctor has been excavating recently... Ridding my body of two evil, precancerous moles - one under my arm and one next to my belly button. The one under my arm was cut off and cauterized, which sounded a lot like a soldering iron and smelled worse. He apologized for the smell, saying, "That's what it smells like when you stay in a burning building for just a little too long..." I told him that I didn't really care for the smell of burnt flesh - especially my own! And then, the one on my belly needed to be cut out, which left me with 4 stitches.

Any chance they could issue ear plugs when they're going to start snipping away at your skin? Just a suggestion...

Aside from some irritation from the sutures and bandages, the one on my belly did just fine, and is now healing pretty well. Mostly, it itches, which is probably a good thing.

The burnt-off site under my arm, though, got infected. I even managed to elicit a startled "Augh!" (coupled with a step backward) from a couple of nurses before explaining that it was mostly antibiotic cream under the bandage, so I was appropriately proud of myself... After getting a prescription for a better antibiotic cream (Silvadene), it's doing a lot better. It's oozing less now, which is good. I'm even leaving it uncovered at night just like the nurse told me to, even though it hurts when anything touches it... like my arm or my blanket or the soap and water in the shower... They said to watch it through the weekend and then come back if it's not doing better. So long as it stops hurting soon, I'll be just fine.

And, just like a good blogger, I am including super close-up photographic evidence:

The one on my belly... my skin REALLY didn't like the sutures and all the Band-aids!

The icky one under my arm. See - more redness on the sides, from all the hateful bandages.
I have to change them 3 times a day, so the skin gets ripped off regularly.
PS - Bandage peels are the latest rage in spa treatments. Coming soon, to a spa near you!

Ok - I'm done whining about it now. Sorry about the gross, and kinda blurry, pictures.

On the positive side, Hannah comes home tomorrow!!! YAAAYYYYYY!!!!! :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Long time, no see!!!

YAY!!!! I am happy to report that Hannah will be home on Saturday! She's driving to Denver with her dad over the next couple days, and then she'll fly from Denver to SLC on Southwest flight #689, arriving at 1:25. YAY!!!

Oh- and here's the latest pic. Apparently Chris and the kids made up a new way of playing kickball, with a slip 'n slide between the bases:

Hannah, running to slip-n-slide into base, after a MIGHTY kick!

I'm glad she's been having fun! And even Chris gets worn out by her bottomless energy... I feel so validated!!!


So, I suppose that I should report that YES I finished Breaking Dawn already... I finished it on Saturday so that I wouldn't have to stab someone for talking about it before I'd read it. I just wanted to give you the all-clear... It's safe to talk to me about the book. (But you may not want to post anything here, as I have no idea if everyone else is done... and I'd hate to have to let someone beat you for giving spoilers!)

(And yes, I was satisfied with the ending to the saga.)