Anyway - at the risk of sounding fickle, I will let you all know about my most recent opportunity for disappointment, I mean love... In all reality, this information proves that I am not fickle. Rather, that I am patient to the point of ridiculous. Believe it or not, Ben is finally done working in Nigeria. And, as he says, he is finally "leaving [that] God-forsaken country," hoping to never return! Then, to go one step further, Ben asked if I would be okay with him changing his return flight to come to Salt Lake instead of going back to Ohio first... I said that I would be happy to see him whenever that would work best for him. He said that he would be happiest to visit sooner rather than later. Quelle suprise - someone is highly motivated to visit ME!!!
So, his flight is scheduled to arrive in SLC at 7:10 tonight.
EEK!!!!! :) :) :)
Let's just hope that this isn't a Ron-type visit - where he says he'll be here, but then doesn't show up and doesn't call for 2 weeks. @%#@&!!!!
Actually, I already checked online, and the flight plans he sent me are for real and valid flights. And, per, his flight from Amsterdam to Minneapolis has already departed and is estimated to arrive early, at 14:45 local time.
If all goes well, I hope to post a happy end to my kissing dry spell soon! Keep your fingers crossed! (4 1/2 years is getting a little long, I must admit...)

Hey what dose say about me - My kissing dry spell is going on 19 years. My kissing dry spell is old enough to go on a mission. ;o)
Shana - Damn I am old.
so many reasons I love you, Bug!!!
Be careful! Slow and steady wins the race between the rabbit and the hare.
I got that all wrong....rabbits and hares are the same critters! I meant tortoise......
I was going to say that 10 years was a long dry spell, but the 19 years beats me. Just don't get your hopes up that it will be the best kiss ever... because the kiss that broke my dry spell made me want to laugh. Good luck with this guy!
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