Ok... to be completely honest, I've been avoiding my blog. I was hoping that I would have better news to report. Alas, no such luck.
Ben called me on Sunday night just as I was heading out the door to go to the airport. And it wasn't to tell me that his plane came in early. Apparently, he had been bumped from his connecting flight, so he was stuck in Amsterdam.
Good news: He is out of Africa.
Bad news: I didn't get to spend my day off with him when I had one.
More bad news: He's still not here.
I mean, how long does it take to catch another flight to the States? To give him the benefit of the doubt, he said that the next direct flight would arrive here Tuesday night - and I'm in class until 10pm on Tuesdays. However, if he made it in to Salt Lake last night, wouldn't he have called by now? That was 24 hours ago...
I've noticed that any time I blog about a pending visit, it doesn't happen. So am I jinxing it? Or are there no honest men left?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Delayed gratification
I just heard from Ben and he was detained last night, causing him to miss his flight out. He's getting everything sorted out today and tomorrow, and should be able to leave the country by Saturday evening, which will get him here by Sunday night - about the same time as today's flight. He's pretty distraught about the whole thing, as he was just as anxious to be here as I was to have him visit.
However, as sad as I am that his visit is slightly delayed, there is a bright side... Now I can write my papers without distraction. So, for now, I'm choosing to focus on the positive - despite the desire to throw a little pity-party.
Pity? Party of One?
However, as sad as I am that his visit is slightly delayed, there is a bright side... Now I can write my papers without distraction. So, for now, I'm choosing to focus on the positive - despite the desire to throw a little pity-party.
Pity? Party of One?
Another post so soon...?!?!
Yes, I know... And I didn't even have to put off a paper to get me to post again. Well, technically I have put off writing my papers, but that's highly irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Anyway - at the risk of sounding fickle, I will let you all know about my most recent opportunity for disappointment, I mean love... In all reality, this information proves that I am not fickle. Rather, that I am patient to the point of ridiculous. Believe it or not, Ben is finally done working in Nigeria. And, as he says, he is finally "leaving [that] God-forsaken country," hoping to never return! Then, to go one step further, Ben asked if I would be okay with him changing his return flight to come to Salt Lake instead of going back to Ohio first... I said that I would be happy to see him whenever that would work best for him. He said that he would be happiest to visit sooner rather than later. Quelle suprise - someone is highly motivated to visit ME!!!
So, his flight is scheduled to arrive in SLC at 7:10 tonight.
EEK!!!!! :) :) :)
Let's just hope that this isn't a Ron-type visit - where he says he'll be here, but then doesn't show up and doesn't call for 2 weeks. @%#@&!!!!
Actually, I already checked online, and the flight plans he sent me are for real and valid flights. And, per www.klm.com, his flight from Amsterdam to Minneapolis has already departed and is estimated to arrive early, at 14:45 local time.
If all goes well, I hope to post a happy end to my kissing dry spell soon! Keep your fingers crossed! (4 1/2 years is getting a little long, I must admit...)
Anyway - at the risk of sounding fickle, I will let you all know about my most recent opportunity for disappointment, I mean love... In all reality, this information proves that I am not fickle. Rather, that I am patient to the point of ridiculous. Believe it or not, Ben is finally done working in Nigeria. And, as he says, he is finally "leaving [that] God-forsaken country," hoping to never return! Then, to go one step further, Ben asked if I would be okay with him changing his return flight to come to Salt Lake instead of going back to Ohio first... I said that I would be happy to see him whenever that would work best for him. He said that he would be happiest to visit sooner rather than later. Quelle suprise - someone is highly motivated to visit ME!!!
So, his flight is scheduled to arrive in SLC at 7:10 tonight.
EEK!!!!! :) :) :)
Let's just hope that this isn't a Ron-type visit - where he says he'll be here, but then doesn't show up and doesn't call for 2 weeks. @%#@&!!!!
Actually, I already checked online, and the flight plans he sent me are for real and valid flights. And, per www.klm.com, his flight from Amsterdam to Minneapolis has already departed and is estimated to arrive early, at 14:45 local time.
If all goes well, I hope to post a happy end to my kissing dry spell soon! Keep your fingers crossed! (4 1/2 years is getting a little long, I must admit...)

Monday, May 19, 2008
Yes, I'm still alive
Hello Friends - I would like to confirm that I am still among the living, despite the lack of blogging evidence to support such a notion.
In the interim, I have started a new class - General Psychology - with an awesome teacher, Marty. He's kind of a hippie, but not the 'patchouli - shower-free - free love & tie dye' kind...
Marty's got pseudo-dreds and several cool tattoos, and he's super spiritual but not overly religious, which can be rare here in "Mormon HQ." Basically, he is just really relaxed, and very into Eastern philosophies, which makes class time very interesting and stimulates some fun discussions. And, since a lot of the material is review for a majority of the class, he gives us options on what we want to write about. So, I can either turn in a recycled paper from a previous class if it fits, or I can research and write a paper about one of the alternate topics:
Spirituality and Mental Health
The Healing Power of Spirituality
The Healing Power of Forgiveness
How Altruism Boosts Health
The Psychology of Love
The Health Effects of Anger and Hostility
Worry, Anxiety, Fear, and Health
The Impact of Stress on Health
The Mind-Body Connection
The Importance of Good Friends
The Importance of Pets
The Healing Power of Optimism
Explanatory Style and Health
Self-Efficacy-Believing in Yourself
The Impact of Humor on health
Methods of Eliciting the Relaxation Response
Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart
Overcoming Ego
Are Mind and Brain Identical?
Who Has mystical Experiences and What Triggers Them?
Do Religious, Spiritual, or Mystical Experiences Change Lives?
Did God Create the Brain or Does the Brain Create God?
Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy
Mind as Healer Mind as Slayer
The Psychology of Shamanism
The Buddhist Path of Healing
Yoga Psychology
The Shadow-Jungian Psychology
The Nature of Consciousness
Christ Consciousness
Intuition, Inspiration, and Illumination
Mystical Art of Breathing
Mystical Sounds and Healing
Reincarnation and Karma
Good and Evil and Free Will
Mental and Sensory Illusions
Psychology of Mysticism
Cosmic Purpose of Life
Death and Dying
Nature and Symbolism of Dreams
Mystical Power of Mantras
I picked the Impact of Humor on Health for week 2, and Methods of Eliciting the Relaxation Response for week 3. Since week 2 is officially tomorrow night, I probably should get started on that paper. And since I work full time, I really have just tonight to do it... Oh well, I'm sure it will turn out fine. I've always been good at pulling out a paper at the last minute - much to Mom's chagrin!
Good day, Dear Ones. Blessings!

Marty's got pseudo-dreds and several cool tattoos, and he's super spiritual but not overly religious, which can be rare here in "Mormon HQ." Basically, he is just really relaxed, and very into Eastern philosophies, which makes class time very interesting and stimulates some fun discussions. And, since a lot of the material is review for a majority of the class, he gives us options on what we want to write about. So, I can either turn in a recycled paper from a previous class if it fits, or I can research and write a paper about one of the alternate topics:
Spirituality and Mental Health
The Healing Power of Spirituality
The Healing Power of Forgiveness
How Altruism Boosts Health
The Psychology of Love
The Health Effects of Anger and Hostility
Worry, Anxiety, Fear, and Health
The Impact of Stress on Health
The Mind-Body Connection
The Importance of Good Friends
The Importance of Pets
The Healing Power of Optimism
Explanatory Style and Health
Self-Efficacy-Believing in Yourself
The Impact of Humor on health
Methods of Eliciting the Relaxation Response
Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart
Overcoming Ego
Are Mind and Brain Identical?
Who Has mystical Experiences and What Triggers Them?
Do Religious, Spiritual, or Mystical Experiences Change Lives?
Did God Create the Brain or Does the Brain Create God?
Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy
Mind as Healer Mind as Slayer
The Psychology of Shamanism
The Buddhist Path of Healing
Yoga Psychology
The Shadow-Jungian Psychology
The Nature of Consciousness
Christ Consciousness
Intuition, Inspiration, and Illumination
Mystical Art of Breathing
Mystical Sounds and Healing
Reincarnation and Karma
Good and Evil and Free Will
Mental and Sensory Illusions
Psychology of Mysticism
Cosmic Purpose of Life
Death and Dying
Nature and Symbolism of Dreams
Mystical Power of Mantras
I picked the Impact of Humor on Health for week 2, and Methods of Eliciting the Relaxation Response for week 3. Since week 2 is officially tomorrow night, I probably should get started on that paper. And since I work full time, I really have just tonight to do it... Oh well, I'm sure it will turn out fine. I've always been good at pulling out a paper at the last minute - much to Mom's chagrin!
Good day, Dear Ones. Blessings!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Happy Birthday, Robin!
Here are 22 things you might not know about Robin:
1. She has her own blog now. It can be found at http://robrobsramblings.blogspot.com/.
2. Robin has attended AA. (Relax - it was for homework.)
3. Her middle name is Allison.
4. She shares that middle name with Mom's dad.
5. Robin is AWESOME at flower arrangements.
6. Sometimes, if you're really nice, and buy all the flowers for it, she'll make beautiful arrangements for you. (Thank you, Rob-Rob!)
7. Robin's nickname is Rob-Rob.
8. My daughter bequeathed her with said nickname - originally pronounced Wob-Wob, with puffed cheeks.
9. Robin has a sweet and tender heart (probably not a surprise).
10. Robin's favorite scene in the newest Pride & Prejudice movie is the "misty scene" - when Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen) is walking toward Elizabeth Bennet (Keira Knightley) in the early morning.
11. Robin doesn't really like babysitting.
12. Robin is really good at cleaning and organizing.
13. My messy house drives her a little crazy. Thanks for visiting me anyway!
14. Robin is a little CDO (thanks, Ellie). And by "a little," I mean that she knows exactly where everything in her room/apartment are. And if you move them, she'll know about it.
15. Her CDO helps her to know when she has been walking and/or rearranging things in her sleep.
16. Robin can be hilarious to watch when she's sleeping. I especially enjoy the talking in her sleep.
17. Robin is an excellent parent to Mom. Thanks for helping her not to eat frosting - that grosses me out, too.
18. Robin is a gifted piano player. She doesn't flaunt it, but I love hearing her play when we're at Mom and Dad's house.
19. Robin is tougher than she looks. She kicked butt in her self-defense class last year - and lived through the practical exam to tell about it.
20. Robin might not like the way you drive - even though she won't tell you. Major accidents do that. Be careful when you drive, or offer to let her take the wheel instead. Especially near ice.
21. Robin is good at most anything - stained glass, ceramics, witty banter...
22. Robin doesn't like feet. At all. Please don't put yours on or near her. She'll promise to do the same. Don't let dirty kids put their feet near her either. Kids that have come directly from a bath without touching the floor may be an exception to this rule.
Happy Birthday, Rob-Rob. I love your guts!!! :)
1. She has her own blog now. It can be found at http://robrobsramblings.blogspot.com/.
2. Robin has attended AA. (Relax - it was for homework.)
3. Her middle name is Allison.
4. She shares that middle name with Mom's dad.
5. Robin is AWESOME at flower arrangements.
6. Sometimes, if you're really nice, and buy all the flowers for it, she'll make beautiful arrangements for you. (Thank you, Rob-Rob!)
7. Robin's nickname is Rob-Rob.
8. My daughter bequeathed her with said nickname - originally pronounced Wob-Wob, with puffed cheeks.
9. Robin has a sweet and tender heart (probably not a surprise).
10. Robin's favorite scene in the newest Pride & Prejudice movie is the "misty scene" - when Mr. Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen) is walking toward Elizabeth Bennet (Keira Knightley) in the early morning.
11. Robin doesn't really like babysitting.
12. Robin is really good at cleaning and organizing.
13. My messy house drives her a little crazy. Thanks for visiting me anyway!
14. Robin is a little CDO (thanks, Ellie). And by "a little," I mean that she knows exactly where everything in her room/apartment are. And if you move them, she'll know about it.
15. Her CDO helps her to know when she has been walking and/or rearranging things in her sleep.
16. Robin can be hilarious to watch when she's sleeping. I especially enjoy the talking in her sleep.
17. Robin is an excellent parent to Mom. Thanks for helping her not to eat frosting - that grosses me out, too.
18. Robin is a gifted piano player. She doesn't flaunt it, but I love hearing her play when we're at Mom and Dad's house.
19. Robin is tougher than she looks. She kicked butt in her self-defense class last year - and lived through the practical exam to tell about it.
20. Robin might not like the way you drive - even though she won't tell you. Major accidents do that. Be careful when you drive, or offer to let her take the wheel instead. Especially near ice.
21. Robin is good at most anything - stained glass, ceramics, witty banter...
22. Robin doesn't like feet. At all. Please don't put yours on or near her. She'll promise to do the same. Don't let dirty kids put their feet near her either. Kids that have come directly from a bath without touching the floor may be an exception to this rule.
Happy Birthday, Rob-Rob. I love your guts!!! :)
Pure, unadulterated joy...
Laughter is contagious... so enjoy a good chuckle!
You're welcome. :o)
Can you believe all 4 of those kids are just laying there - relaxed and happy?! Wow! Kudos to Mom and Dad!
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