Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hannah on quick getaways

The other day, Hannah and I were walking into Mom and Dad's house through the garage. With only Dad's truck in there, Hannah must have been looking around more. At any rate, she soon noticed the entry point to the attic... (It's one of those escape-hatch-type doors way up in the ceiling that probably requires a ladder to reach it.)

Upon seeing the door, Hannah gasped and pointed, exclaiming, "MOM! Look! I found the emergency exit!"

Oh super. How convenient!

Quote of the day - 11.26.09

The following educational moment took place between my mom and Hannah. They were sitting at the table chatting after we'd all enjoyed food-coma-induced naps.

Hannah: I know what whipped cream is...
Grandma: Oh? What is it?
H: It has some fat in it...
G: (interjecting) uh-huh...
H: And it makes us whipped.

I must admit that I feel a little whipped... My pumpkin cake would not be as enticing without whipped cream.

Happy Turkey Day!

Here's a short list of things I am thankful for this year (in no particular order):

Wonderful friends
A great family
A beautiful little girl that I LOVE and that makes me laugh!
Finally finished my Bachelor's degree!!!
A new ward that I love!
A fun new calling that makes me be creative
A new house to get settled into (for now)
Finished the memory book for Mom's birthday (which turned out great - Thanks, Cindy!!)
Many options for continuing my schooling

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you had many things to be thankful for as well! Love and hugs!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Chatting with Hannah - 11.13.09

Happy Friday the 13th!!!

Hannah and I were driving back from running a quick errand just now, when the following interchanges took place:

I was telling Hannah about Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, after she told me that she doesn't remember seeing them. I'm pretty sure we've watched them together, but it sounds like a refresher course is in order. At any rate, Hannah was trying to say Chitty Chitty Bang Bang but was muddling the words pretty badly so I said, "Be careful how you say that one."
H: Huh?
M: It's CHitty CHitty Bang Bang. With a C-H. Just make sure you say it right.
H: Why? Is it a bad word?
M: Not CHitty...
H: I mean "Bang Bang." Is that a bad word in another language?
M: Um no... Not that I'm aware of.
H: Because my teacher was reading us a story about a kid named Bang-Bang and some of the kids thought it was a bad word. (pause) Well, I thought it was a bad word.
M: Oh?
H: He was called Bang-Bang because he knocked on a lot of doors. And every time he knocked on a door, he pooped.
M: No he did not. You made that up.
H: Yes. I made that up... About the pooping. But he did knock on a lot of doors.

For the record, I have no idea what book she might be referring to.

Moments later - and completely out of the blue - she said, "I like people... ish."
M: (internal groan because we've talked about the proper comedic usage of "ish")
H: Well... I like people. I just don't like all grown-ups.
M: (short pause) That's ok. Neither do I.

And yes. Most of our deep and philosophical conversations take place in the car. Anyone wanna go on a road trip??

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hannah on Parenting

Yesterday, Hannah made new friends in the neighborhood. This is fantastic! Her observations about them were even more fantastic...

H: They smell really good. I mean, I didn't go up and sniff em, but I could just tell... I mean, my old friends (at our old house) always smelled sweaty and stinky. But these kids smelled real good.
M: Well that's nice...


H: I like their parents' parenting style.
M: Oh?
H: Yeah. 5 o'clock to come in and quit playing with friends. That's a good idea. We should do that. I bet I know what they do after that... They come in, eat dinner, and take baths, and then brush their teeth, say prayers, and then go to bed.
M: You're probably right.
H: And they probably go to bed by, like, 7 or 7:30.
M: Maybe...
H: My bedtime is 8 or 8:30.
M: Yes it is...
H: We should change it to 7 or 7:30. That would be better.
M: Well, if you'd like to do that, I'm sure we could work it out.
H: (brief pause) I need to get in a habit.
M: You mean you need a routine?
H: Yeah. We need a routine.

Yes we do. Thanks, Bug.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Quotes of the Day - 11.04.09

Hannah: "I have to hold my pickle tighter."
Uttered after said pickle slipped out of her hand and onto the floor.

Melissa: "I can't even sew a skirt right, and look what they can make with leaves!"
Said while watching an old Destination Truth episode with Cindy, where natives performed a ceremony to ward off the dangerous Kikiyaon. The ceremonial dance was performed by an individual wearing a costume of the large avian monster - made out of leaves, obviously.

Monday, November 2, 2009


The last couple of weeks have been CRAZY! Here's a rundown of what has - and has NOT - taken place...

1. I finished school!!!! I am officially a college graduate, with a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology. Woohoo! Last Tuesday, October 27th was my last night of class... But I can only enjoy this reprieve briefly, as my Master's program is scheduled to start in January. Eek!

2. I completed all of the required assignments for finishing my class. This was not an easy task as I had to write 2 papers, prepare and present 2 individual and 2 group PowerPoint presentations, as well as an Ethical Inventory (with summary), and a peer evaluation over the course of 5 weeks... while fighting a nasty cough and cold! And I would have gotten 100% in the class, but I was sick one week (and the teacher asked that I please not bring my germs to class) and missed my 4 participation points for the week. In the end, I finished with a 96% in the class, and a 3.67 overall GPA.

3. I was asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting last week at the new ward - the Sunday before my last night of class. Excellent, since I had nothing else going...

4. I helped Hannah get ready for Halloween. This included making a tulle skirt for her Rock Star costume, which ended up not being worn because she decided she liked her jean skirt with gold sequins better. Thanks for your help anyway, Nancy... At least she has a fun dress-up skirt now!

5. On Friday I helped out in Hannah's class, for their Halloween party. I should have been working to clear out the old place, but I won't always be free to volunteer in Hannah's class, so I jumped at the chance... And then worked hard and fast at the house later, thanks to Robin!

6. I moved out of my old apartment. Most items went to storage, but a few things came to the new (temporary) place while I look for work and save money for a new, more permanent, home. I finished moving the last few items to storage and then cleaned everything on the 31st... Just in time to run home and get ready for the ward Trunk-or-Treat... which was followed by over an hour of hiking around our new neighborhood for some traditional Trick-or-Treating. By the time I got to bed, my muscles were twitching and everything hurt...

7. Yesterday I filled in for the Music Leader in Primary. This was later made more permanent, as I was called to be the Music Leader for Senior Primary. If you have any creative ideas or good links for ideas, PLEASE send them my way!!!! (I'm going a little crazy thinking about it...)

8. And then, after church, we ran up to Salt Lake to have a fun celebratory dinner with family and friends... which I'm not sure I have pictures of... but we had a great time!!! Thanks for coming, Cindy! I'll have to download everything from my camera and add pics later if I find some... Hannah commandeered my camera for most of the evening.

Here's what did NOT take place...

1. Carving of pumpkins. The insides are gross and I prefer not to actually touch them. If I had any painting skills, we'd do that. Instead, Hannah got to be disappointed. Sorry!

2. Sleeping. That happened over the last few days, when my body realized that the deadlines were passed and it could finally relax.

3. Getting well. I've had a cold and cough for several weeks. Due to the litany of tasks over the last few weeks, I couldn't risk taking good medicine that would make me sleep and let me get better. So I've just stayed sick. The last few days of sleeping have helped in the healing process.

4. Finding a job. I am determined to find something soon, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this next week will be the one that yields something promising (that doesn't involve commission sales)...

5. Cleaning at the new place. I was focusing all of my time and effort on the old place, so the new place got no love. I finally took the trash out tonight. It was overdue. Oh well... that's the great thing about housework, right? It will wait for you...

6. Reading of blogs (and books). I'm finally starting to get caught up on things, so please don't give up on me! And now that I can think straight for longer than 30 seconds, I'll make efforts to add fun, picture-filled posts more regularly. Thanks for your patience!!!