Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Wrap-Up

I must admit that I thought our Christmas this year was going to be sparse... like unto Charlie Brown's Christmas. I had even been prepping Hannah ahead of time so she wouldn't be expecting too much this year. However, several of Santa's Helpers - and a family of elves - came out of the woodwork and helped to make this Christmas extra-special! Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity!!! (You know who you are!)

The "hall" of presents that Santa and the elves brought!

Thank you for my "iPod" Santa!

...and this is how the BACK of my new pants will look!

Does this make me a bad mom?

After opening presents, Hannah got to pick 3 toys to bring with her, and we headed up to Mom and Dad's house for a week of rest, refreshment, and relaxation. But first, we had to make it through some white-knuckle driving to get there - the roads were a mess, and it was a veritable blizzard in parts. But once we made it, we had TONS of fun! I read a few books and got some well-loved rest. We ate a lot of goodies, and then made up for it on Wii Fit (Mom and Dad's fun new Christmas toy). We also found time to do some sledding. Well, me and Mom watched while Dad, Gecky, Rob-Rob, and Bug did some sledding:

A sledding ninja!

Making it back up the hill was the worst part, but I love this pic!

Robin and Dad, preparing for the faces full of snow they're about to get!

The three girls, giggling before the fall...
We THOROUGHLY enjoyed your visit, Gecky!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa is on Jesus' Team

Yesterday, Hannah and I were on our way up to Mom and Dad's house for some caramel-making festivities. They're really nummy, so you should probably be jealous that you're not eating one right now.

Now, I generally prefer to drive in silence and just listen to music in the car, but Hannah prefers talking. A lot. Anywhere. So she bestowed an hour of wisdom on me while we drove. And I heard at least 30-45 minutes of it. Among others, here are 2 of the goodies I gleaned from the conversation:

1. Santa is on Jesus' team

Earlier this year, Ellie introduced us to perhaps the greatest game ever: Your Team-My Team. (I recommend the rodeo if you want a great selection for opposing teams. Amy and I had lots of fun there this last summer - I'm just sad that we didn't capture the subjects on film.)

Anyway, Hannah hears me play this game a lot and has surmised that I have a Boyfriend Team that is peopled with extremely handsome men. Excellent observation, Bug! She seems to have determined that Jesus also has a team. Of good guys. Of which, Santa is one.

2. Coal isn't fair

At some point during our drive, Hannah asked what Santa gets the "bad guys." I told her that bad guys get a lump of coal. This little gem followed:

H: What's a lump of coal?
M: It's like a big black rock.
H: Well that's not very nice.
M: That's for the naughty boys and girls, though. Good little girls and boys get presents. Remember?
H: But Santa shouldn't just give bad guys a rock.
M: What should he give em then... a spanking?
H: No. (a thoughtful pause) He should give them a bobble-head bad guy toy.

I'll be sure to send a memo to Santa and the Elves ASAP:

"New Policy - Effective Immediately!

Nix the coal. Get started building some "Bobble-Head Bad Guys" for immediate delivery.

Hannah's Mom

PS - Any excess diamonds from the coal surplus can be sent directly to me."

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

We're still here

Nothing new to report, but we are still alive... I'm wishing that we had gone on the recent visit to Mark and Ellie, et al with Mom, Dad, and Robin. Hannah and I are now the only members of the M clan who haven't held the new baby bird, Sylvie. We're trying not to pout about it.

I can't wait to snuggle this little bundle of cute!
Soon, I hope!