Ok - I read a fun post about
quirks after reading
Celia's most recent
Reader Appreciation Day post on
Cynthia. So I thought I'd post a few of my own quirks (in no particular order):
1. I have a specific set-up with my pillows in order to be comfy for bed. And I get quite fidgety and upset if Hannah climbs in and messes it up.
2. I have to chew the same amount on both sides. So I either bite my food in half and chew some in each side, or I alternate bites... One bite on the left side, the next bite on the right side, and so on. But the bites have to be roughly equivalent in mass, so that I feel that things have been distributed equally.
3. I like air movement. Even now - November in Utard - I have a fan on 24 hours a day. I even turned my A/C back on a couple of weeks ago, when things warmed up a bit. In fact, my fan on my desk is on right now and aimed at my face, because it got a little warm and stale in our office.
4. I HATE being hot. I can't sleep when I'm hot and I get uber-cranky...
5. My daughter, Hannah, knows that there are 4 things that make Mommy cranky: being tired, being hungry, being hot, and/or Hannah not being in bed on time. Any combination of these 4 catalysts, increases my crankiness exponentially.
6. I have a stash of "possibly necessary" items at my desk which includes, but is not limited to: super glue, extra "girly" supplies, toothbrush and toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, first aid kit, sewing kit, lint roller, deodorant, pain meds, allergy meds, non-drowsy cold/sinus meds (of the Dayquil variety), return address mailing labels, stamps, envelopes, crackers, candy, soup, breakfast bars, various other food items, and a cache of plastic cutlery, napkins, saucers, bowls, and cups.
7. Eating foods that have a disproportionate ratio of creamy substances to solid materialmakes me gag. For example: eclairs, cream puffs, whipped cream on my shakes or sundaes, and most pies. That just makes us better friends, though, because I'll gladly give mine to you! And Mom loves it because she can sometimes sneak my excess frosting that I've scraped off of my cake or cupcake.
8. Watching other people eat such super-creamy things (like Mark having a spoonful of whipped cream) can induce my gag reflex, by proxy.
9. Hearing other people brush their teeth gives me shivers up my spine... Mom - I love you, but I have to wait to talk to you until you're done brushing...
10. I don't like being on speaker phone. In certain situations - like an announcement to a group of people, or if asked for my permission, I can tolerate it... but, in general, I dislike being put on speaker phone.
11. Oh - and I LOVE people-watching. I might even ad-lib a conversation for them - sometimes with accents! Or I'll mutter general announcements about a given person - like a sometimes-quiet PSA. These PSA's could be on various topics: the advantages of wearing a bra, the downsides of in-breeding, the benefits of pulling up your pants or monitoring your children in public, etc. Just ask Amy... during one lunch break, she threatened to leave me at the mall food court if I didn't cut it out (or at least talk quieter). Well someone had to tell those kids they looked ridiculous.
So - what are some of YOUR quirks?