Friday, November 13, 2009

Chatting with Hannah - 11.13.09

Happy Friday the 13th!!!

Hannah and I were driving back from running a quick errand just now, when the following interchanges took place:

I was telling Hannah about Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, after she told me that she doesn't remember seeing them. I'm pretty sure we've watched them together, but it sounds like a refresher course is in order. At any rate, Hannah was trying to say Chitty Chitty Bang Bang but was muddling the words pretty badly so I said, "Be careful how you say that one."
H: Huh?
M: It's CHitty CHitty Bang Bang. With a C-H. Just make sure you say it right.
H: Why? Is it a bad word?
M: Not CHitty...
H: I mean "Bang Bang." Is that a bad word in another language?
M: Um no... Not that I'm aware of.
H: Because my teacher was reading us a story about a kid named Bang-Bang and some of the kids thought it was a bad word. (pause) Well, I thought it was a bad word.
M: Oh?
H: He was called Bang-Bang because he knocked on a lot of doors. And every time he knocked on a door, he pooped.
M: No he did not. You made that up.
H: Yes. I made that up... About the pooping. But he did knock on a lot of doors.

For the record, I have no idea what book she might be referring to.

Moments later - and completely out of the blue - she said, "I like people... ish."
M: (internal groan because we've talked about the proper comedic usage of "ish")
H: Well... I like people. I just don't like all grown-ups.
M: (short pause) That's ok. Neither do I.

And yes. Most of our deep and philosophical conversations take place in the car. Anyone wanna go on a road trip??


MaryAnn said...

Cars provide for a captive audience. It was where I gave all my values lectures to teenagers!

Ellie said...

Ba Ha ha ha!